Latest Episodes

Future Church series: framing 2025 with an Increase In The Presence Of God.
Our Future Church series is our once a year vision series which frames the year ahead for us as a community. This year there...

Let's talk about the will of God - John 4.
What did Jesus say? He talks about the will of God and it being a sustaining power. Bevan elaborates on this big topic from...

'Does Jesus want to dismantle the temple?' - Gospel of John - What Does Jesus Say?
We continue looking at the gospels and the words of Jesus. In this message we look at the comment by Jesus that he will...

Jesus flips tables - So, what's the problem? Teaching from John 2.
A new instalment from our teaching series 'What Did Jesus Say?'. Bevan takes a closer look at John chapter 2 and the scenario where...

Leadership Lessons: Endurance Training and Life.
We recently gathered a group of people to talk leadership in the context of church and life. We hope this is helpful. For more...

The Gospels: What Did Jesus Say? John 1 and the first words of Jesus.
The start of a new teaching series where we are looking at the words of Jesus spoken throughout the gospels. This message looks at...