Latest Episodes
The Exodus: The Wilderness Place
The exodus account has so many applicable lessons for us right now. Bevan takes a look at being in the "wilderness place" and the...
The Exodus: Journeying with God
In this message we hear from our Co-Lead Pastor, Tamlyn. She continues our series looking at the exodus and God being with us on...
The Exodus: Fruitful in a Desert Place.
We are anchoring ourselves in the exodus account of God's people. This week Bevan looks at being fruitful even in challenging times. Please visit...
The Significance of Waiting.
Do you see waiting as a positive? In this message Bevan looks at the significance of waiting. That the waiting can be just as...
Faith Talks: Easter Equals Freedom 02
Freedom is central to the message of Christianity. This talk looks at freedom in more depth. Please visit our website
Faith Talks: Easter Equals Freedom 01
Easter equals freedom. Our hope is for you to experience the true meaning of Easter and for you to share that with people you...